Sent by Wale Adeniyi 28th September 2013

Sept 28: On a day like this years ago, my birthday, you sent to me the following prayer: “May you find laughter in the morning, and joy in the evening all the days of your life. May the song of a thousand throats singing favor herald you into this new day. May the winds of grace blow ever so sweetly, may they carry you on till you get there, may you find a shade in our God, and God reward you with the blessings of a fulfilled life. Balaam said: let me die the death of the righteous and let my end be like theirs: [So] I say may Christ be seen in all that you do. Increase in knowledge but don’t let it puff you up, increase in favor but give Him only the credit. Increase in understanding but be humble still. Make me bold to say my love is radiant and ruddy, the fairest among tens of thousands.” Oh Banke, how I miss you!