Of Babies, School, et al

Created by tito aderoju 11 years ago
Banke, I remember you parking your small red car parked in front of my house, after work. WIth only one mission; to come and play with my baby or bath the baby if it wasn't too late. I remember how your eyes would light up in excitement. Tired out...I could'n't understand where you got the energy, or the love...that was simply you; full of both. Although going rather grey now, I remember Bakori, you and Saratu Mutallab, Zaynab Muazu...Cana lilly Girls always chatting about one thing or the other. I remember being a room head and wondering how come you lot couldn't keep quiet for very long, always smiling and laughing about one thing or the other. I remember meeting you in University ... hadn't changed a bit physically ... but your heart had found Jesus and you held onto him so admirably! I remember stringing beads with you in the house, when you'd come over to chat, and make awesome necklaces, (not that I liked beads that much) but stringing them with you was fun, you taught me many tricks, and the necklaces you made were ..So beautiful I remember going to your house just to chat with you, Daddy, Bimbo and Shade... your warm nice family I remember your endless chatter about Wale...and the twinkle in your eyes .. I remember the chats on BB...and your advise ... Banke..I will always remember you....and our family will miss you dearly! Tito